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UNIT III - Samba

Samba, Choro and Bossa Nova are the backbone of Brazilian cultural identity. In this UNIT you'll have access to an in-depth study on how to play with that Brazilian swing that is proper to those rhythms. This UNIT is also useful for drummers who want to be authentic when playing Brazilian grooves.

  • Lesson 1 (12 min): Click here to watch for FREE! You'll learn how to play the Partido Alto, one of the most important grooves of Brasil.

  • Lesson 2 (11 min): One of the biggest challenges of Brazilian music internalize its swing, which is different from the Jazz swing. In this lesson we'll analyze the placement of each subdivision and show a comprehensive method to achieve the "Brazilian sauce".

  • Lesson 3 (10 min): This lesson will address the same question of the previous one but will focus on the accents of each subdivision. We eventually put together both approaches to reach our goal.

  • Lesson 4 (24 min): This is the most extensive lesson of the whole course and will present and in-depth analysis of the most important structures of Samba such as the Telecoteco pattern. Eventually we wrap up by connecting all of this analysis in the Partido Alto groove.

UNIT III Lesson 1

UNIT III Lesson 1

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